

AXS reviews “FACE TO FACE”"

“L.A.-based indie rock band Beachwood Coyotes has released a new single called “Face to Face,” and it’s a track that deserves some attention for alt-rock. With its lush harmonies and almost painfully earnest lyrics, “Face to Face” evokes the same visceral sense of heartache that all the best indie rock breakup song do. In fact, given how sharp and focused the band’s music is, it won’t be long before they are talked about in the same breath as alt-rock stalwarts such as Japandroids and Dawes…”


Voyage LA interview

Voyage LA talks to Jason about the bands plans for 2020



“These are exciting times for L.A. indie rock band Beachwood Coyotes. They've earned praise from a variety of media outlets this year, and got a couple of placements on MTV, too. And listening to new single “Discipline,” the lead-off song from debut EP Scrubby, which we're able to premiere today, it's easy to see why…”


Ones to Watch reviews “Terror”

“The currents of “Terror” run at a steady pace with serene vocals and hypnotic undertones through its skillfully produced musical structure…”


Huff Post premieres “Face to Face”